Organizing committee
Chemical Research in Flanders - Chemistry Conference for Young Scientists 2022 joint forces to organize the new CRF-ChemCYS 2022 symposium. The symposium originates from two teams; one who organized CRF-1 and CRF-2, through collaboration of all five Flemish Universities, and a second team organizing ChemCYS, the symposium of the Youth Section of the Royal Flemish Chemical Society (KVCV), respectively.
Organising committee
Prof. Dr. Johan Martens, KU Leuven
Prof. Dr. Christian Stevens, Ghent University
Prof. Dr. Mark Saeys, Ghent University
Jelle Jamoul, KU Leuven
Ans Van Nieuwenhuyse, Ghent University
Roy Aerts, KVCV
Dr. Christophe De Bie, KVCV
Nathan Carpentier, KVCV
Ir. Thomas Vranken, KVCV
Eline Biscop, KVCV
Scientific committee
Prof. Dr. Pegie Cool, University of Antwerp
Prof. Dr. Joeri Denayer, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Prof. Dr. Bert Maes, University of Antwerp
Prof. Dr. Marlies Van Bael, Hasselt University
Advisory board
Prof. Dr. Benoît Champagne, UNamur, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Stefan De Gendt, KU Leuven & imec, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Damien Debecker, UC Louvain; Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Richard Hoogenboom, Ghent University; Ghent, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Vera Meynen, University of Antwerp; Antwerp, Belgium
Prof. Dr. Victor Mougel, ETH Zürich; Zürich, Switzerland
Dr. Maria-Cristina Todasca, University Politehnica of Bucharest; Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Dr. Thimothy Noël, University of Amsterdam; Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Torsten John, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Massachusetts, USA Dr. Joachim Van Guyse, Innovation Center of NanoMedicine, Kawasaki, Japan

Find out more about the previous CRF conference at:

ChemCYS is a biennial scientific meeting in the field of chemistry and life sciences. Our drive is giving young researchers the opportunity to present their work on an international stage. The ChemCYS team consists of members of the youth section of the Royal Flemish Chemical Society (KVCV).
More information about the previous edition of ChemCYS can be found at: